Milí naši beachisti, Vianoce sú sviatky oddychu a preto bude aj náš areál v čase od 23.12. 2024 – 3.1.2025 oddychovať.

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Beach plieska na konci!

Beach plieska na konci!

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MEVZA Beach Volleyball Club Championship 2024

MEVZA Beach Volleyball Club Championship 2024

Pripravte sa na víkend nabitý kvalitným beachvolejbalom a špičkovými európskymi hráčmi. Sledujte nás, podrobnosti ďalej v článku.

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Šťastné a veselé

Šťastné a veselé

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Slovakia, Bratislava will come alive with sports As part of the European Team Cup, university students from 13 European countries will compete in the capital city.

Slovakia, Bratislava will come alive with sports As part of the European Team Cup, university students from 13 European countries will compete in the capital city.

Bratislava will soon come alive with university sports. On the last Monday of September, the capital of Slovakia will host the grand sports event, the European Team Cup, during which students from 13 European countries will compet …

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Sports Week in Bratislava Opening Ceremony at Primate‘s Square

Sports Week in Bratislava Opening Ceremony at Primate‘s Square

The long-awaited European Team Cup is just around the corner. Starting on September 25, 2023, sports teams will gather in Bratislava, Slovakia, for this exciting event. This multi-day event promises a unique blend of sportsmanship …

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Beach Club Draždiak zatvorený od 22.12.2022 do 8.1.2023

Beach Club Draždiak zatvorený od 22.12.2022 do 8.1.2023

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Beach club Draždiak otvorený

Beach club Draždiak otvorený

Otvárame od pondelka 17.1.2022

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Otvárame už čoskoro

Otvárame už čoskoro

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Black Light Neon Beach Tournament

Black Light Neon Beach Tournament

Presunutý prvý ročník absolut funny crazzy nočného turnaja pod čiernym svetlom (UV) snáď už Covid nezastaví.

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